Saturday, November 12, 2011


       Whether it was the help of the full moon, or the magic of 11-11-11, I was accepted! I already had a pretty solid gut feeling because I did put a deposit of 2,400 dollars down, and AFS has been sending me e-mails about Japanese visas and pre-departure orientations, but it is pretty relieving to finally get some closure.
       Although I battled my hardest, I did not receive the either of the two scholarships that were being offered. To be honest, when I first read the e-mail I wasn't even that disappointed. Although it would have been convenient and nice I really don't need it. I have nearly five digits in my bank account, and it would have felt like cheating to just have been let off so easy. The feeling I know I'm going to get when I pay off the 13,000 dollars by myself, without the help of my parents is too gratifying to pass up. One of the scholarship winners was not going to be able to go unless she won the money, and denying anyone of this experience would be bestial. So, it kind of makes sense that she won. 
       At any rate, in 129 days, I will be on a plane soaring over the Pacific and you guys are hugely to thank for it! so, THANK YOU.

--The Japanese Hakujin, Zachary Shimmel

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Zach-you've worked SO hard for this. Brilliant news! XXX Dianne, Douglas and William.
