Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day 2, not much progress

       As you can probably see to the right I am 0% towards my 5,000 blog goal. As upsetting as this may be I was so pleased to see my 60 something page views after 1 day. I have been brainstorming lots of other fundraising ideas to come up with all the rest of the tuition. I am thinking that hosting a Japanese dinner would be a really delicious way to make a couple quarters. Plus, I am sure my mother who slaves in the kitchen would be more than excited to see me in the saddle for once. I am still currently working at my local coffee shop, but I only have one piano student right now. I think I'm going to increase the service and try to get two or three new students. Coming up with 14,000 dollars or so is going to be hard in the next ten months, and being a 14 year old sure doesn't make this any easier. Please show this blog to everyone you know, and contribute with the chip-in button on the side. Every little bit helps, thanks so much for reading!


  1. Zach you are now $50 closer. I went to Japan right after college because my college roomate got a Mombushu scholarship to study in Osaka. I visited with her and then traveled around. The country is amazing and I too, fell in love. I hope you get to go back and become fluent. Good luck -miriam

  2. I understand that blogspot was down for awhile and you were unable to post so hoping they fixed what was broken and looking forward to the latest update.
